I am a French film editor who has worked in the film and broadcasting industry for over twenty years. My projects to date include a wide range of documentary work, special reports and shorts for TV and independent production companies in France and the UK.
After graduating in History in 1995, I sought to feed my early passion for film, and went on to study cinema at Paris III-Censier, Sorbonne Nouvelle, where I got a Master degree in 1998. My research was based on cinema as a historical archive and focussed on the social representation of the youth in the fifties and sixties French cinema.
Soon after, I pursued my lifelong interest in editing and learned techniques while working on a range of feature shorts for award-winning Valerie Donzelli, (Donzelli was selected at Cannes in 2015) and Cyril Leuthy for features produced by the French Film School La Femis.
The next 14 years I put my skills to the service of French TV (France Televisions, Canal +, D8 or TMC) and the prestigious French-German cultural network ARTE. For 10 years I worked for cutting edge international press agency CAPA and edited an extensive range of world affairs programs and documentaries (including investigative journalism Lundi Investigation) but also cinema or cultural programmes such as L’Hebdo du Cinéma (Canal +), Avant-Première (France 2), Plus Près des Artistes (France 4), Tracks (Arte). Among many other collaborations I worked on is Thalassa (France 3) one of the oldest French tv programmes or single documentaries such as La Fournaise irakienne for Canal + or Off, Secrets et Coulisses des Urgences Pédiatriques for France 4. For three years I worked in collaboration with ARTE for Global Mag, a series focusing on the environment and sustainable development. For ARTE as well, I edited a few shorts for Vox Pop, a programme focussed on Europe.

I moved to London in late 2014 and got the opportunity to work for the BBC Our World programme that allowed me to build a network and start contributing to many different projects.
For Our World, I worked on films about the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone, the anniversary of Che Guevara’s death, or the Syrian refugees in Germany who want to go back to their country. This involves taking over the edit at any stage, from starting from scratch to finalising the film including  the online edit.
Little by little, I started working for other programmes, from Stacey Dooley’s for BBC Three, to Newsnight, Victoria Derbyshire, Panorama and outside the BBC, Channel 4’s Dispatches.
I worked for different kind of format such as films with archives, based on actuality, presented-led, or self-authored.

Full list of credits
The War on Drugs in the United States led to a huge increase in America's prison population. For decades, hundreds of thousands of people convicted of even minor drug crimes received long jail terms. President Obama says this has been counter-productive, consigning generations of young people to jail. Under a new presidential clemency initiative thousands of drug offenders can apply for early release.
Our World speaks to some who have been freed and looks at the changing approach to tackling drug offences in the United States.
Director: Rachel Wright
Edit Producer: James Giles
BBC - 23’ - Recut of a previous edit including online
Mukul Devichand reports on the mood amongst bloggers in Bangladesh following the murders of four atheist internet bloggers, apparently for challenging religious beliefs.
Producer/Director: Greg Brosnan
Reporter: Mukul Devichand
BBC - 23’- Finalising edit including online
The United Arab Emirates sells itself as a land of sunshine and opportunity. But for many vulnerable women, the reality can be very different. In the UAE, sex outside marriage can land you in prison - and it's often women migrant workers who are being punished. Some are jailed for consensual relationships, others are victims of rape but feel unable to report it for fear of prosecution. In this film, three women tell the moving stories of how they fell foul of the law, and reveal that it's often pregnant women and mothers who are most vulnerable. For the UAE authorities, it's an issue which poses a big dilemma: how do they balance Sharia-based laws with the rights of its women workers?
Producer/Director: Christine Garabedian
Edit Producer: Adam Grimley
BBC - 23’ - Cut down of a longer version and finalising edit including online
The Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone lasted 18 months and killed nearly 4,000 people. More than 4,000 others who were infected survived. The country was declared free of the disease in November but, despite joy at that declaration, thousands of survivors now face a bleak future after losing loved ones, livelihoods and their health. Many are suffering serious after effects, and are shunned by traumatised neighbours. The BBC's global health correspondent Tulip Mazumdar went to meet them.
Reporter: Tulip Mazumdar
Producer: Peter Emerson
Edit Producer: Nick Blakemore
- 23' - Full cut including online
Zanskar is one of the most inaccessible settlements on earth: a remote Himalayan Buddhist kingdom little changed in a thousand years.
Thirty years ago two American college friends walked for seven days up the frozen Zanskar River to reach an ancient monastery, built into the side of a cliff, at an altitude of four thousand metres.
Only a few hundred outsiders visit each year, but this is about to change. The first ever road into the region is nearing completion.
The two friends have returned to try to find the people they met in 1986 - and to discover what they think about the dramatic changes coming to their valley.
Producer/Director: Danny Bull
BBC - 23' - Cut down and finalising edit including online
Tens of thousands of Mexicans have been killed in drug-related gang violence in the past ten years. Ruthless criminals control the illegal trade with the US, thought to be worth 13 billion dollars a year. One of Mexico's leading politicians, known as El Bronco, the governor of the State of Nuevo Leon claims he can beat the country's infamous cartels. Yalda Hakim speaks to him.
Producer/Director: Almudena Garcia-Parrado
Reporter: Yalda Hakim
BBC - 23' - Full cut including online
September 2016: Stacey Dooley embeds herself on the frontline with the extraordinary all-female Yazidi battalion, who are fuelled to take revenge against the so-called Islamic State.
As the battle to take Mosul from Isis advances in Northern Iraq, in this extraordinary film for BBC Three, Stacey finds these young women's lives have been transformed by a desire to avenge their loved ones who were murdered by Isis.
Producer/Director: Almudena Garcia-Parrado
Reporter: Stacey Dooley
BBC - 44' - Full edit
In April 2016 a boat carrying more than 500 people sank in the Mediterranean. Fewer than one in ten of those on board survived. The passengers were migrants, travelling from North Africa to Italy. Survivors spoke of a horrendously overcrowded ship, unfit for its human cargo. But other details of the journey remained unclear, including where the passengers set off from, and who organised their deadly journey. John Sweeney investigates.
Producer/Director: James Clayton
Reporter: John Sweeney
BBC - 23' - Finalising edit including online
The dead are a constant presence in the Toraja area of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Centuries old traditions mean the dead share space with the living. When someone dies their body is preserved and it can often take months, sometimes years, before a funeral takes place. And even a funeral isn't always the final goodbye. Earlier this year, Our World's Sahar Zand spent time with bereaved families who told her that this approach to death helps their grieving process.
Reporter/Producer: Sahar Zand
BBC - 23' - Finalising edit including online
Almost 40 years after the Cambodian genocide, which cost more than two million lives, people are still struggling to come to terms with what happened. A new film by the Hollywood director Angelina Jolie, with an entirely Cambodian cast, attempts to help the healing process. For Our World, Yalda Hakim has been to Cambodia to meet Angelina, and some of those who lived through that time.
Producer/Director: Melanie Marshall
Reporter: Yalda Hakim
BBC - 23'- Finalising edit including online
BBC journalist Basheer Al-Zaidi grew up in Mosul, the Iraqi city taken over by so-called Islamic State in 2014. Now, Iraqi forces are engaged in a fierce battle to retake the city, and eastern Mosul has been freed from IS rule.
Producer/Director: Ben Allen
Reporter: Basheer Al-Zaidi
BBC - Full edit of the 23’ including online and cut down version for Newsnight
In the town where Europe's worst atrocity since the Second World War took place, some local politicians, including the new mayor, refuse to accept that genocide happened here, despite the findings of international courts and the testimony of survivors. One of the few Bosnian Muslims who did survive the massacre has since returned to Srebrenica to provide living proof of what happened in 1995. He now faces a new struggle for the truth. Contains images from the start, which viewers may find distressing.
Producer: Maria Polachowska
Reporter: Katie Razzall
BBC - 23' - Online editing
In October 1967, the revolutionary icon "Che" Guevara, was shot by US backed forces in Bolivia. In Cuba he's widely celebrated as a hero of the revolution which brought communist government to the country. Some Cubans though, condemn "El Che" as ruthless and authoritarian, and responsible for summary justice and murder. So what is his legacy in Cuba, and would he recognise the country that it has now become? Will Grant reported from Havana on the 50th anniversary of Che Guevara's death in October.
Producer/Director: Nick Sturdee
Reporter: Will Grant
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online
Middle Eastern governments are using high tech mass surveillance tools to monitor their citizens.
Western companies, including Britain's largest weapons manufacturer, BAE, are among those selling surveillance technology to these governments.
The trade is attracting criticism from human rights organisations who question whether a British company should be selling such equipment, much of it classified, to repressive regimes in the Arab world.
BBC Arabic's Nawal Al-Maghafi investigates.
Director: Elizabeth C Jones
Reporter: Nawal Al-Maghafi
BBC - 45' - Additionnal editor (working on the arabic version)

In the Netherlands and across Europe, thousands of Iranian refugees are converting to Christianity. Are these converts 'born-again Christians' or simply praying for asylum?
Director: Hrriet Shawcross
Reporter: Fariba Sahraei
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online
The youngest and most vulnerable are paying a terrible price for over two years of war in Yemen as food, medical shortages and now a deadly cholera outbreak take their toll.
Reporter/Director: Nawal Al-Maghafi
Producer: Darius Bazargan
BBC - 23' - Finalising edit including online
As they retreat from northern Iraq, Isis has left thousands of women and children behind. A desperate effort is now underway to reunite these women and children with the families they have been separated from.
Producer/Director: Nick Sturdee
Reporter: Tim Whewell
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online
One year on from her first visit, Stacey Dooley returns to Iraq to seek justice for the young women whose lives have been changed forever by Isis. Stacey joins Shireen - a 23-year-old Yazidi woman who was held captive for over two years by Isis.
Producer/Director: Joshua Baker
Reporter: Stacey Dooley
BBC - 35' - Full edit
Every week hundreds of Syrians, given asylum in Germany, are returning home. They risk arrest as they're smuggled from the EU into Turkey, en route to Syria. For Our World Nawal Al-Maghafi joins them to discover why they're giving up the safety of Europe to return to their war-torn country.
Producer/Director: Ben Allen
Reporter: Nawal Al-Maghafi
BBC - 23' - Finalising edit including online
The independence vote in the north-eastern region of Catalonia shook Spain's democracy to the core. The Spanish authorities used force to try and stop it, but more than two million Catalans defied the police to back a new independent republic. Nine months on, Catalonia is still part of Spain, its leaders are in prison or abroad and its people are deeply split on the region's future. BBC correspondent Niall O'Gallagher, who reported on the referendum, has gone back to ask what happens next.
Reporter:Niall O’Gallagher
Edit Producer: Harriet Shawcross
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online from a previous edit
Profiling two weddings in Uganda, this film contrasts the cost and impact of the growing trend for large, lavish and very expensive white weddings in the country's capital Kampala.
Producer: Mugabi Turya
Director: Kate Hardie-Buckley
BBC - 25' - Full edit including online

BBC Newsnight:
In the north west province of Xinjiang in China, evidence is growing that hundreds of thousands of Muslim Uyghurs are being incarcerated by the authorities in 're-education camps'. A Newsnight investigation has interviewed two witnesses who say they have been inside the camps and have now managed to flee China. They say that the Uyghurs suffer physical torture and psychological thought control. The Chinese state has consistently denied the existence of the camps.
Producer/Director: Warwick Harrington
Reporter: John Sweeney
12' - Beginning of the edit
It’s been another difficult year for the retail industry with closures and bankruptcies setting off another round of angst about the future of the high street. In this report, Newsnight’s business editor Helen Thomas takes a look at how retailers can respond and the changes we’re likely to see.
Producer/Director: Warwick Harrington
Reporter: Helen Thomas
9' - Beginning of the edit
In this report, members of the 67 drill crew share the reality of their lives. Does drill music glamorise and encourage violence? Or are the artists just expressing, through music, the experience of many young people growing up in difficult city environments?
Producer: Nick Sturdee
11' - Beginning of the edit
BBC Africa what’s new
edit of short films
BBC Sport Africa
edit of short films and full programme
Witness the Burma Uprising
full edit including online
Bisexuals face hostility from their own LGBT community and are subject to the offensive narrative that they are "on their way to being gay", the head of LGBT equality charity Stonewall has told this programme. Many feel their sexuality is seen as being "greedy" and fetishised.
Producer/Director/Reporter: Chris Hemmings
BBC - 14' - Full edit
Rojava - is a Kurdish run-region in northern Syria that emerged out of the chaos of the civil war. It's the closest Syrian Kurds have had to having their own state. Whilst they were fighting so called Islamic State, they had the backing of the Americans. But now IS has been all but defeated, Turkey - terrified of Kurdish nationalism within its own borders has gone on the attack. Can the Kurdish dream survive?
Director: Elizabeth C Jones
BBC - 54' and 44' - Full edit of the Arabic version including online
Two years ago Qandeel Baloch was murdered in her bed, the victim of a so-called honour killing that rocked Pakistan and the world.
Producer/Director:Masood Khan
Edit Producer: John Thynne
Reporter: Hani Taha
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online
This three part documentary series explores the crisis years of 2013-2018 in Brazil. The final episode includes an exclusive interview with Lula, the imprisoned former President of Brazil, and examines the tumultuous events which led to the rise to power of Brazil's deeply controversial new President, Jair Bolsonaro
BBC - 3x23' - Finalising edit from very rough cut including online
A BBC Africa Eye investigation has revealed that at least six candidates were offered money by Russians in the lead up to last year’s presidential elections in Madagascar.
The presence of Russian political strategists with close ties to the Kremlin, posing as tourists with the alleged aim of helping to control the tightly fought race, has raised questions whether democracy in the former French colony has been fatally compromised.
Gaelle Borgia reports from Antananarivo.
BBC - 27' - Full edit, English and French version
Stacey Dooley meets an arms dealing family in the USA who supply more than 100 countries with high-grade weapons. She gets a rare glimpse into this strange world - hanging out with the mum who sells all kinds of arms from grenade launchers to sniper rifles, and her son, who makes thousands of bullets for the weapons his mum sells.
Director: Almudena Garcia-Parrado
Reporter: Stacey Dooley
BBC - 44' - Full edit
In northern Europe's Lapland, temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world, threatening the livelihood of its indigenous Sami people. Central to Sami life is the ancient practice of reindeer herding, but climate change is putting the reindeer at risk of starvation. Many Sami also worry that plans to build a railway, to exploit Lapland's natural resources, will add to the pressure on their traditional way of life. For Our World, Erika Benke has been to Arctic Finland to hear from Sami women about their fears for the future.
Producer/Director: Erika Benke
BBC - 23' - Beginning of the edit

Safa and Marwa are twin girls who were born joined at the head. They were brought, by their family, from Pakistan to London's Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital for a series of highly complex operations to separate them. The BBC's Fergus Walsh has followed them through the dangerous nine months process aimed at giving independence to the girls, who've never been able to see each other's faces.
Producer/director: Rachael Buchanan
reporter: Fergus Walsh
BBC - 23' - Beginning of the edit
Stacey Dooley travels to Kurdish-controlled northern Syria to holding camps where she meets Western women who left their countries to join the Islamic State.
Producer/Director: Almudena Garcia Parrado
Executive Producer: Brian Woods
BBC - 29' - Full edit
Producer/Director: Yasmine Kamal
BBC - 26' - Finalising edit
In Britain today 4.1 million children are growing up in poverty. Narrated by Sheridan Smith OBE actress and singer and from BAFTA-winning director Jezza Neumann comes a Dispatches special. As Channel 4 spent a year with three children and their families to show what life is like when you don’t have enough money for essentials. Told first hand through the children’s perspectives who are growing up in poverty, this is their story, in their words.
Channel 4 - 44' - Full edit in collaboration with the director
In 2007 the BBC film Bulgaria's Abandoned Children exposed tragic levels of neglect in Mogilino Social Care Home, an institute for mentally and physically disabled young people. Since then, more than a quarter of a billion euros has been given by the EU to Bulgaria to replace the country's institutes with smaller family-like Group Homes. Film maker Kate Blewett returns to Bulgaria to find out what's happened to the children she met in Mogilino and reveals the reality of life for children in some of the new Group Homes.
Producer/Director/Reporter: Kate Blewett
BBC - 23' - Full edit
Colombia has long been the world's largest producer of cocaine. A historic peace deal in 2016 was meant to reduce the amount of cocaine being produced by offering farmers alternatives to growing coca. But last year the UN estimated that its output was the largest since records began. Our World travelled to the Cauca Valley to find that farmers are now being caught between new criminal gangs with devastating consequences.
Producer/Director: Almudena Garcia-Parrado
Reporter: Michael Buchanan
BBC - 23' - Full edit including online
Southern Spain, famous for its beaches and sunshine, has become the main gateway for drugs into Europe. Violent turf wars between drug cartels have caused the government to issue a crackdown. For the last two years, the police have been fighting to take back control.
In this compelling film, Stacey gains unique access to the police, the dealers and the smugglers. She goes out on patrol with the air force team of the Guardia Civil and is invited along to witness a night-time raid in an attempt to arrest a cartel suspect they have been watching for two years.
To understand why this part of Spain sees so much cocaine, Stacey travels to the source – Apartado, Colombia. There she meets one of the biggest smugglers in the region. Faced with highly organised criminal gangs and the insatiable demand for drugs in Europe, Stacey debates whether this a war the police can ever win.
Producer/Director: Almudena Garcia-Parrado
Reporter: Stacey Dooley
BBC - 54' - Full edit up to the final changes
BBC Africa What’s New
short films and full programme, English and French version

The Israeli settler organisation ELAD has been accused of evicting Arab families in Jerusalem. With Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich unmasked as ELAD's largest donor, this report investigates settlement funding.
Producers: Rosie Garthwaite/Uri Blau
BBC - 25' - Finalising from rough cut
Dispatches: Britain’s Covid Job Crisis tracks a single minimum wage job, advertised in Manchester in September, following some of almost a thousand hopeful applicants. And an exclusive survey by Britain’s biggest jobsite, Indeed reveals the human cost of Covid’s devastating impact on the job market. 
Director: Rachel Cumella
Channel 4 - 26' - Full edit
Kenya has a real version of the spy James Bond, and her name is Jane. Detective Jane Mugo is the country’s most famous and controversial private investigator. She says she’s solved hundreds of crimes, but some say she writes her own rules. This is the inside story of the woman they call Kenya’s "spy queen". Sharon Machira reports for BBC Africa Eye.
Director: Charlie Northcott
Reporter: Sharon Machira
BBC - 28' and 23' versions - Full edit including online for 23' version

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